Eric Charqueno
Birthday: 08/17/2004
Started Martial Arts in 2014
Currently attending Lone Star College
Favorite Activities: Guitar, Working Out, Reading
Birthday: 08/17/2004
Started Martial Arts in 2014
Currently attending Lone Star College
Favorite Activities: Guitar, Working Out, Reading
Fell in love with the place the first time I saw it but what made my cup runneth over was the love and patience that the instructors have with children. I have watched my son not only come out of his shell but grow into a more confident strong and respectful student. Mr. Loebe himself goes above and beyond to make sure the children's needs are met. We lost everything in the flood AND he did too! And still helped us with equipment and uniforms. I'm very proud to say my kids go here and that we are a part of
I enjoy coming to class, I have learned respect, integrity
My brother has been going here for about almost a year now and he absolutely loves it!!! Instructors are very helpful!